Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Good Telling Off

Yes I am very naughty, I just couldn't help myself.
I just had to start this.
Another one of my Portland Quilt Market purchases.

It's a very cute needle case, I have a weakness for any type of needle case, actually I think I am just plain weak.
I know I didn't really need to start this, but it was sitting there staring at me and I just went for it.
I have cut all the wool pieces and layed them out ready to whip stitch around the outer edge.

There is even a little branch on the back.

I have the inside all cut and ready to sew together, as soon as I have finished the hand stitching.

Just look at that mess on my sewing table!!
Underneath that cream linen cloth there are a few SINS.
They are not hiding, I leave the cloth over the top so the sun won't fade the fabric, No sun today though, just snow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just couldn't stop yourself could you!! LOL It looks so yummy. As for a mess - well you need to get out more my friend!!